Sean and I were married for about a year and a half before Tyler was born. Sean was a little hesitant to have a child before he graduated from college. I, on the other hand, thought it was a great idea. So a little begging and pleading (there may have been some tears in there too), followed by a little batting of the eyes . . . and . . . voila.
My doctor used to tell me that I was "boringly normal". I had no problems with my pregnancy and 9 months later Tyler was born weighing exactly 7lbs. That didn't last long . . .

He was a very chubby baby, but he quickly out-grew it.

Tyler was such a great kid, and boy did he love to talk. When he was little, I was worried that he had a stutter. I soon realized that he always had so much to say and his little brain just couldn't process his thoughts fast enough for the words to come out right.
No worries anymore though, Tyler is incredibly intelligent, you might not be able to tell by his grades at school, or by the stupid teenage trouble he gets into, but his CRT and ACT scores are amazing!
Tyler has really had a big change in his attitude lately. We came home from his game the other night and I asked him if he would help Katie with her algebra. I would have helped her, but polynomials and I just don't get each other. Anyway, he sat right down -- and for the next 45 minutes proceeded to patiently help her. That might not be a big deal at your house, a brother kindly helping his little sister with homework... but at my house it is HUGE!
His 18th birthday was not terribly exciting. He went to school, and then had a soccer game to go to. He didn't even get home until 8pm. He owed us quite a bit of money, so he decided to pay off some of his debt instead of getting gifts.
Luckily Aunt Trish was in town and gave him his favorite treat.

He got a few clothes,

a caligraphy set,

a homemade ice cream cake,

and a great big kiss from his favorite mom!

I sure love my boy!
Wow, Julie. I can't even imagine the mix of emotion you go through when your child turns 18. Happy Birthday, Tyler! He's one of the best home teachers we've ever had!
You're feeling old? How do you thing Grandma Peel and I feel? He has always had and will always have a special place in my heart - from the cute little kid I took to play on the swing set up at USU to the terrific kid who visited me with his latest girlfriend at the Jazz game the other night. Sean and you have done one wonderful job raising that "little Jones."
You look like you had Tyler when you around age 12. Hard to believe he's all grown up!
We will always remember what a good looking little one he was and of course he still is.
We were fortunate to have had so many visits with him and his great mom and dad when you lived in Logan and then just a couple of streets over from us. We treasure all those times and we always look forward to our get togethers now.
You and Sean have done a super job!! We love you all!!
Thanks Tyler for sharing your time to visit and play cards and help in the yard!!
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