As you are reading this, keep in mind that it is 2:30am on Saturday morning and I can't get to sleep. . .
I love Google. (I think I might actually be in love with it, but I am not sure if that is possible - Sean thinks I should marry it.)
I have never considered myself to be "incredibly intelligent". I am smart and all, and when it comes to common sense I totally rock, but ask me to find the square root of a number and I will probably give you my famous "You've
got to be kidding me" look. (There is such a thing as square root, right? - Oh, poor Sean)
Now that I have been introduced to Google, I am as smart as the whole world. I don't think there is a day that goes by that I don't say, "Just Google it!" At first Sean would laugh and roll his eyes, but now he just gives me his famous, "Dang it, you're right!" look and walks over to the computer. Seriously, 99.9% of the time we find the answer.
I love to Google during the holidays. Those Google people are so creative with the Google letters. My favorite is Halloween when they dress the letters up in is so cute!
Here are some of my recent Googles:
Get nail polish out of carpet -
Amazingly enough, you use shaving cream and windex! It worked wonders and saved me about $500 in carpet replacement cost in my bathroom.
Medication for headaches caused by teenagers -
Okay, I didn't really put "caused by teenagers", but that was the reason.
Square Root -(No comment)
Why does my husband twitch at night? -
Wikipedia said: "
In extreme cases, this may be classified as a disorder called periodic limb movement. The person with the disorder will usually sleep through the events. (What they didn't put was, "Your wife usually won't sleep through the events!!" By the way, Sean has an extreme case!)
How do I keep tart dough from shrinking when I bake it? -
I am helping my sister cater my nephews wedding and someone (my mom) suggested to make tarts -- yeah, not a good idea.
Hollywood Connection -
You would think, but you would be wrong. By the way, they are hiring, so if anyone wants to get a job there, you have to apply in person.
And my most favorite Google ever:
Nikon lens error -
One day I went to turn on my camera and it said "lens error". I was extremely upset because it was fairly new and cost quite a bit of money. I immediately "Googled" it. I sat for 20 minutes searching websites about how it usually costs more to fix the camera than it is worth. Then I came to the bottom of a blog where a woman said that since the camera was broken anyway, she had nothing to lose, so she banged it against the palm of her hand and voila, she turned it on and it was as good as new. I picked up my camera, banged it a few times against the palm of my hand and sure enough, it was fixed.
A few weeks later, my brother-in-law sat at my kitchen table telling me that he had to go and buy a new camcorder because it was giving him a "lens error". I wasted no time telling him my story. He called me a few minutes after he got home to thank me for helping him fix his camera. (I probably saved him a good $400.00. I should start charging for my services.)
The only thing Google doesn't do is tell us where Sean left his keys. I should totally invent a Google that did that. That would be so cool, I would make a gazillion dollars!