As you can tell from my last post, Disneyland was awesome. I guess the third time really is a charm! I kept getting deja vu every time I walked past a bathroom, or a street that I remembered from our last trip. Every time I felt that way, I would get a huge smile on my face and announce to everyone, "This is so much fun!"
Courtney had bunion surgery 2 weeks before we left, so she was in the wheelchair this time. It was actually pretty sweet, we only had a 3-4 minute wait for most of the rides!
Sunday we drove to Hesperia and spent the day with my sister Trish and her family. Monday morning we drove down to San Diego, met Mike and his family and then boarded the ship.
First stop was Tiffany's to have a little lunch and then it was off to the pool.
They spent hours trying to push each other off this board.
There were tons of activities for the kids. Tyler and Andrew loved to play with the giant chess set.
I loved going to dinner. It was like going to a fancy restaurant every night where the food was delicious and free!
Here is the way all my dinners started:
One night, the servers pulled Jess, Andrew, and Bev up to dance with them.
Alisa has a sweet camera and got some great pictures, luckily she shared her photos with me.
Tuesday was a fun day at sea and Wednesday was a fun day in Cabo San Lucas.
The beach was beautiful, I could have stayed there all day.
We played for hours.
Mike is a master barterer. He speaks fluent spanish and the deals he got for us were pretty amazing. After talking for a good 30 minutes, we all boarded a boat and went parasailing. Thanks Mike, but you are probably going to have to accompany us whenever we go on vacation now ;)
Thursday was another fun day at sea. Friday we docked in Ensenada, it was a far cry from Cabo, but once again Mike worked his magic and we all went to the blow hole and did some shopping!
Sean was actually pretty good at bartering too. He doesn't speak as fluently, but he also doesn't take no for an answer.
We got some great deals. Do you like my New York hat?
Tyler was very proud of his purchases.
Mmmm... fish tacos!
By Friday night, we were all exhausted, and a little sad that our cruise was coming to an end. Sean and Courtney had to get in some karaoke before we left. They sang Twisted Sister's "Were not gonna take it".
We played one last game of cards, and stuffed our faces one last time.
It was so great having my kids to myself. No cell phones, not texting, no friends. They showed some signs of withdrawls, but luckily they all survived. This was one of the funnest vacations that we have ever been on. I am so glad Mike and Alisa were able to come with us. Hopefully more members of the family can come next time. Courtney graduates in two years, so start saving!