When she grows up she wants to be a Pediatric Nurse.
I think she will make a wonderful nurse, she just needs to get past the nausea she feels every time she sees blood, or gets poked with a needle. (She actually passed out the first time she had to have an IV.)
She also has a very tender heart.
We were sitting at Desert Star this past weekend watching the play Twi-lite. Courtney told us a story about the last time we were there. She said that she looked over a few tables and saw an elderly couple, the man reach into his coat pocket and pull out a mint and handed it to his wife. She said that it made her cry because it was cute. Sean and I looked at her like she was just a touch on the CUCKOO side and then promptly burst into laughter because she was actually crying AGAIN just relating the story to us.
Anyway, on the last day they handed out awards.
The Dean Vaugh Perfection award was for passing the final test with 100% accuracy. 350/350!! Yes, that is 350 Medical terms that she had to memorize!
CTE was another test she took, she had to get above 80%, she got a 94%.
The last award was a test they had to pass from SLCC she had to get above an 80%, she got a 98%.

Looks like there is definately a nurse in the future for your family.
Congratulations Courtney. Your marks were super just like the lovely, beautiful, thoughtful person you are!!
Congratulations for your mom and dad for having such a wonderful daughter!!
Way to go Courtney!!! I agree you will make a wonderful pediatric nurse. Actually, you will be great at anything you decide to do. Having to learn legal terminaology, I can relate to learning all those terms and that is some terrific accomplishment.
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