Here we are all ready to leave on our adventure!

Waiting in front of our cabin to get our wrist bands.

Sorry Kerry, I just had to put this picture in. We had been up at the ranch for a total of 5 minutes when Kerry snagged her pants and ripped a hole in them. In the picture Jana has just finished putting a piece of duct tape on her butt. We all had a good laugh over it.

Here is a picture of the leaders after finishing with our skit. I think that we thought we were funnier than we really were. Alicia is the one in yellow, she was the sun.

Here is our bishop, what a great sport!

It has become a tradition to make bananna boats up at girls' camp. Everyone shaped their foil into an easily identifiable object. Courtney's was the phone and Jenn's the receiver.

Cute pictures around the fire...

90% of our time was spent around the craft tables, though we did make it outside eventually.

I have to admit I got just a tiny, itsy-bit obsessed with the horses. We had certain times that we were scheduled to go and I went every single time. Granted, I couldn't walk for a week, but it was worth it.

The girls had a blast flirting with the boys-I mean going to the archery post.

There was a lot of swimming, paddle boating, KSB squared (kick soccer bum ball), hot tubbing, and eating. But apparently some of us didn't get enough sleep at night.

Here is a picture of our amazing camp directors...

Jana and I are going on 3 years now. I couldn't have asked for a nicer, sweeter, kinder, make you laugh until you cry...friend. I love you Jana, I can't wait for next year!!
Three cheers for the world's best camp directors!!
Thanks for all you did, it was a blast!
Ahhh. Thanks Julie.... and DITTO!! I would not want to do camp with anyone else you are AWESOME! Love ya.
Thanks for sharing such a fun adventure. You are super good with kids and am sure they loved having you there.
What a great time for all of you. Keep up the good work!!!
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