Before I go any further, I need to explain a few things.
First of all, Courtney has named her car Roberto. When asked why, she said, "Because Rrrroberto from the bachelor is hot and so is my car."
Secondly, Courtney takes Katie and her friend Nani (pronounced
Nah-nee) to school every day.
Rrrroberto's Rules:
1. No eating in me unless you are granted permission from Courtney, in which case you must immediately clean any spills that may have occurred and throw away your wrappers. The use of spoons will not be tolerated; you must always use a fork.
2. Be respectful to Courtney. She is a wonderful, (and might I add) beautiful person.
3. Never leave your stuff in me. EVER
4. If you bring a sack lunch, you must take it into the school with you and if there are any leftovers or tupperware they are to be taken into your house as I drop you off. (Nani)
5. I am not a trash bin. If you have any trash in me please take it out as you are exiting. Do not say you will do it later... because I know you won’t.
6. Another major problem that we seem to be having is leaving shoes and clothes in me. I am not a hamper or a shoe-holder thing... so stop leaving them in me!
7. No shouting “Courtney you don’t know where you’re going!”
8. No taking me for a joy ride. The only person allowed in the driver’s seat is my beloved Courtney Joyce Jones.
9. Courtney is my master and the captain of my radio.
10. If Courtney says she’s not taking you to Wendy’s, then, SHE'S NOT TAKING YOU TO WENDY'S!!"
11. Don’t lock the keys in me or leave any of my lights on.
12. Do not hit, pinch, slap, punch, spit on, or hurt Court in any way including name-calling.
13. No spitting out your toothpaste until the car has come to a complete stop.
These rules at their essence should convey the following thought: keep me clean and happy! If any of these rules are broken, you will owe Court $1 for each act of cruelty. If #7 is broken at any time you will owe her $5 each. I am not lying. Abide by these rules and nobody gets hurt. Thanks ugly children!
Number 7 and 13 are my personal favorites.
By the way girls, if I ever find out who took Rrrroberto for a joy ride, well, let's just say that Rrrroberto will enjoy a nice week long siesta in the garage! :)
I can't even roll mr R's... it comes out as a gargling sound and it sucks. Each one of those rules is there for a good purpose though those girls are terrors!!!
What a fun one to read. Courtney has such a cute sense of humor and gets more beautiful all the time.
13 is my personal favorite. Clearly toothpaste was never meant to be spit out the window at full speed.
I couldn't stop laughing because those rules so hit the nail on the head and done in such a fun way. Much better than nagging. ;-) All Rrroberto needs now is a taxi cab like meter.
Hilarious!! A funny, beautiful red-head, what more could a mom ask for?
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