It was a nice, sunny day as we pulled out of my driveway on Wednesday morning.
Look at how beautiful, warm, dry and clean we all are.

It was a fun ride up and would have only taken 2 hours if SOMEONE would have pulled out the map and watched for the exit while SOMEONE ELSE was driving :)

Luckily we were able to set up camp before the first downpour began. It would rain for a few hours and then stop for a few hours, and then rain for a few hours... you get my point.

The Stake had the girls paint picnic tables for their service project.

In between the storms, we made a lot of fun crafts,

ate some REALLY good food,

brushed our teeth with ashes,

(notice there are no leaders in these pictures)

made a few important phone calls,

played "Mafia" around the camp fire (sorry Bro. Dresser, no hard feelings about your multiple deaths, right?)

and laughed until we cried!

Each ward had to come up with a skit. We were given a bag of random props from another ward and had to incorporate them into our skit. The girls decided to make up a song and duct tape the props to themselves. It was pretty dang funny.
I think it should say Jana, Amy and Julie are the best! Who would have thought we would be able to make rain, mud, and cold so dang fun!
Love ya!
It takes special people to work with young women. It looks and sounds like you have a terrific group of leaders and a fun bunch of girls. Some of the best camps are the ones with a little adversity.
Rachel had a blast! Thanks for letting her tag along. Mark said it was like eating at a fine dining establishment. You guys are the best!
It was a blast Julie.. Thanks for all the fun- I am looking forward to hanging out with you and Jana again next year (hopefully a little less rainy.) Love ya too.
I want to be a young woman in your ward. What a great experience for them--to learn that it's all about the attitude. Speaking of camping--tomorrow it's partay time!
How fun! I bet you guys had a great time!!
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