Whoever passed the law that lets a 15-year-old child get a learner's permit without ever having stepped foot in a Driver's Ed class needs to be shot!
Courtney looking cute holding her learner's permit and Spider-Man wallet.

Courtney holding her learner's permit and kissing her Spider-Man wallet.

Courtney kissing Pam while holding her learner's permit.

Here, you can't get your learner's permit without enrolling and attending driver's ed, AND you can't get your licence till you log 100 hours of driving! that's a lot of ours in the car with your teenager driving!!!
I meant, hours...
I think she will be a great driver. Just give her some good lectures and scare her into being safe. (Spoken by a mother of little kids--not teenagers.)
I'm not worried, she will do great!
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