Courtney loved playing for Cottonwood. Here is how the season started.

Those cute girls!!
I wouldn't have minded so much, but we discovered it at 7am when we were walking out the door to go to girls camp, so we had to clean it ALL up before we left. Sorry Amy, this is why we were late to the clubhouse.

That is the goalie in red, Court almost scorred on this one.

Here is a picture of Charlee and Courtney, they have been playing soccer together for years.

This was one of the first teams they were ever on. The Green Gators!!
Tyler had a pretty good season playing with USA. He still has games until the end of October.

I had to put this photo in, this is a typical Jones photo. I probably have at least one photo of Sean and all his brothers looking like this: tongue out, thumb tucked in and super funny face!

Here is a picture of Tyler and his new grlfriend Cassie before Homecoming.

Why do they have to grow up so fast? It's not fair!
Katie had an awesome year. Bennion ended the season undefeated and then lost the first playoff game in a shoot-out, it was a heart breaker. The team was so upset.
Katie's last USA game was today, and thank goodness for that! It is getting cold out there. Here are pictures from a game she played a few weeks ago in Layton.

I just had to add this one. I know you can't see her very well, but two seconds after this picture was taken, she scored. Here she is going around there defender to set up the shot.

She is so awesome!
I love fall soccer and really missed being at all their games this year. I really enjoyed going to games I was able to see. I am really looking forward to spring. They are all awesome. And yes -- they grown up way too fast.
Great pictures, great kids.
Okay, I have missed your posts. Yeah, your life has been busy. Your kids are so cute. I'ts great that they have all stayed with soccer. I love the pics of Court with her friend now and back in the day--priceless.
Whoa.......I remember those days of high school and the initiation of toliet papering.....but how did I miss that on your house? I must have been out of town! That was a doozy!! :)
You missed it because it happened at 2am and was cleaned up by 7:10 am..... It was NOT a good morning!!
I love soccer. I have only one in soccer so far but next fall we will have 2. How do you juggle it all?
I'm glad you posted all the pictures so we can see what goes on at the games. We miss going to them. You have a great family!!
Luv ya!!
I think you should've left the TP for Sean and Tyler to clean up.
so do all the Jones have an internal thumb issue? I thought I was the only one, thanks for sharing that one!
Let's be very clear, Aimee Newton, the girls (all three) were leaving for girls camp that morning, so Sean got more than his fair share of the cleanup.
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