There was cookie decorating.


Story telling

and Bingo.
Poor Courtney had to come dressed as a soccer player since she had just finished soccer practice.

There were some really fun costumes. Here is a picture of Amy and I. 70's Babe and Biker Chic.

Biker Chic and Batgirl

Katie, Tyler and TC.

I tried as hard as I could to get Tyler to smile, but every time I turned the camera on him, he gave me this dorky blank look!
He is such a character... remind you of anyone?
Even Tyler and his friends made an appearance. Here are Tyler, Maggie and Brandon coloring.

Brandon and his cute girlfriend Brandy.

We had such a great time. I love being in Young Women's. We have the best girls and leaders, it is so much fun to hang out with them.
Fun for you and the kids too!! Mutual is the best church job anyone can have.
Your kids are so grown up. I can't believe how fast it goes. Glad to know you have a blog! I miss so many of you from you ward that I don't see very often!
You make a great biker chic. It looks like you had a great time.
love the biker chick! i also love arts and crafts, sorry i missed out on that one!
I just knew some how that photo was going to end up on your blog.. You are one hot biker chick though. Love ya.
Looks like the ward had a great time. You are one cute biker chick!
What the... Thomas the Train not smiling??
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