One of the first sites that popped up was and it said to use the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I have used the magic eraser before, but only to get scuff marks off of the wall. I had no idea the many uses this cute little white sponge has.
Here are some that were listed: getting hair dye off of forehead and ears, cleaning tarnished silverware, removes soap scum in the tub and shower, removes marker off of cupboards, removes stains on leather seats, purses,etc, and the most intriguing, it cleans your tile floors.
I don't know about you, but my tile floors are the biggest pain to clean. I had a sponge in my drawer, so I decided to see if it really worked.

On the left you will see the sponge after I finished cleaning. On the right is what the sponge looked like before I touched it. I will admit, I probably should have stopped using it when I first noticed the holes, but I am cheap and wanted to get as much use out of it as I could.

Here is my floor after I finished. I was amazed at how much dirt that little sponge picked up. The only time (other than when I first moved in), that my floor has ever been this clean is after hours of scrubbing. It only took about 10 minutes to do this area in front to my cuboards.
Now if I can just get my son to go out and scrub the fence I will be in great shape!
I must be a tard. I have tried using that magic eraser so many times, and it hasn't worked with anything yet. I am glad I seem to be the only one it doesn't like....ha ha ha
OH yes I am a big fan of the Magic Eraser. The only thing I do not like is the weird film it leaves behind.
I am a HUGE fan of the magic eraser. Check out my blog where I show you how it got PAINT (yes, dried paint) off of my house!!!!
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