She has been telling everyone for months that she is going to be batgirl for Halloween. Every time she said it, I would just roll my eyes and think "Good luck with that!"
I took Thursday off so I could spend some long-awaited time with my kids (since they were off of school for UEA). Katie had been telling me about this party that she wanted to go to, but didn't tell me until Thursday morning that it was a Halloween party, and she had to dress up.
So, first thing Thursday morning, we went to the Halloween store. Here is the costume that she wanted. It was $50! Yeah, that wasn't going to happen.

Though she promised to pay me back, and begged and pleaded for me to get it for her, I just couldn't spend that much money on a cheap plastic costume. I finally convinced her to let me make it for her.
So one trip to Savers and the fabric store, $20 and 3 hours later, this is what we came up with.

Not too bad -- a little less shiny, but she got real boots out of the deal! Here are Katie and her friend Taylor before the party.

You are a good Mom!
Katie makes a great Batgirl!
You do so many nice things for your family!!
She looks so stinkin' cute. Good job on the creativity too.
Great costume. She is one lucky girl with new boots too. Couldn't ask for anything more. How did the party go?
Wow, I am really impressed!! Matt and I need a costume for a work Halloween party on Saturday night. Can you help us out??
That was an awesome job! I bet it was hard to see her looking so grown up though!
I've tagged you in my blog... take a look. :)
I'm seriously impressed - Jaden needs a Pokemon costume....can you whip one of those up too? :)
You're talented and beautiful! That's a great costume!
She looks awesome... Way to go mom... I will remember you next time I need some costume help...
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