Sean and I started out early. We were married soon after we turned 19. Tyler was born 2 years later and Courtney arrived almost exactly 2 years after that. Sweet little Katie was born 18 months after Courtney. I had never been happier, I was 24 years old and had 3 children under 5 years of age.
Things I miss:
Newborn babies breath, night time baths, bedtime stories, little girls twirling in front of the mirror, hearing "Watch me mom!", piggy tails, pushing them on swings, and being able to purchase clothing for them without their approval.
Things I love:
Long talks about their latest crushes, cuddling in front of the television, spontaneous teenage hugs, hearing about their day, laughter at the dinner table, knowing I am the first one they turn to when they need to talk, and getting a call from my teenage son while I am at the grocery store telling me to hurry up and come home because he misses me.

Okay Julie, you can't write any more entries. This one made me cry it was so sweet. It also made me appreciate what I currently have, even if my small kids are a lot of work and my clothes smell continually of spit up.
By the way, since I read your hug entry, I have done it with the girls. It was just opposite of what I thought would happen. Kate, the "cold" one, holds on for minutes and expresses verbally her love for me while doing it. Jane, my "affectionatte" one, does a drive by hug. It barely lasts 10 seconds. I'm so glad you suggested it. I have seen a different side to Katy, which I hadn't known existed.
Tylers response is my favorite! How funny- did you just start laughing?
You are so lucky!!! :)
Anytime you need a toddler/young child fix, just come borrow my kids! They are pretty cute & funny, but a lot of work! LOL!!!
The relationship you have with your teenagers actually makes me excited for teenagers. I'm not wishing the years away, but you give me hope.
I love your kind and tender heart. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.
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