I know he is not a professor, but he could be. Sean is extremely intelligent, and he has an incredible memory. (He still remembers the telephone number we had when we lived in Logan 20 years ago!) He is so smart that it was possible for him to skip class, except for test days, ace the tests and pull a C out of the class. I am not saying that he did that, mind you, I am just saying it was possible.
So, that's the 'professor' part. Now for the 'absentminded' part.
Ever since the day I met Sean, he has been losing or misplacing things. One of my earliest memories is Jr. Prom. On our way there, we decided to stop at the 7-11. We pull up, go into the store, make our purchase and then go back to the car -- only to discover that Sean has locked his keys in it. Keep in mind we are in our prom clothes, Sean in a snazzy gray tuxedo, me in a beautiful lacey, pink, very thin dress, and it was the middle of February.

That was just the beginning, I can't even begin to tell you the countless hours we have spent scouring soccer fields for lost keys and/or wallets. I finally got smart about 10 years ago and made 4 sets of keys for each car, currently we can only find 2!
Sean has actually devised a system to get him out the door in the morning, he knows that he has 5 things that he takes to work everyday. So, before he leaves the house he does a countdown, the problem is, sometimes he forgets what the 5 things are. Keys, cell phone, badge, wallet, head....just kidding.
The thing that got me thinking about all this, was the other day when Sean was looking for his wallet. He had gone over to his friend Matt's house the night before to watch the Jazz game. The next day he couldn't find his wallet, so he left for work. I had gone out to the freezer for something and spotted the ice cream bars (they where supposed to be hidden from view, you know, because of teenagers and all), I noticed that the ice cream bars where opened, I checked to see how many where gone and there was Sean's wallet. Apparently Sean had taken them to Matt's house the night before.
What is even more hilarious, Sean just came into the kitchen while I was secretly typing this and said, "It makes me nervous that we can't find your other set of car keys." To which I replied, "Well, your the only one that uses them!" Oh, dang, I am laughing hard!
I haven't even mentioned the motorcycle, so I will now. Last spring, after 20 years of begging, I let Sean buy a motorcycle, on one condition... that he make us a Will. 2 days later a 'Make Your Own Will' was delivered and 1 day later a motorcycle sat in our garage. I honestly didn't think he would make it through the week without getting in a wreck, but I was wrong, he actually has done really well. The only problem is, the tank only holds 2 1/2 gallons of gas, the turn signal DOES NOT turn off when you make a turn and if you leave the keys in the ignition the battery will go dead. Sean's extremely funny and sarcastic brother, Mike, loves to tell me stories of how many times he has had to help him jump start his bike. I actually had this lovely experience tonight. As we were walking off the soccer field, (Katie was playing in Orem, State Cup, Quarter Finals, lost in the last 30 seconds, very sad!) Sean looked at me and asked if he had given me his keys, I said no, so we walked to his bike, found his keys in the ignition and I got my first lesson on how to jump start a motorcycle.
I am not saying I am perfect, I have had my fair share of losing or forgetting things, but they are on a normal human level.
Let's just say that it is a good thing that Sean likes to make people laugh, because he sure gets laughed at a lot at our house.
As I read this, it brought back so many, many memories. The funniest part was that Ross lost his Palm at the same soccer game in Orem. Having extra keys is a must around our house too.
Just so you know... Sean was the only one who ate an ice cream bar at my house. Matt and I refrained. We were holding out for your peanut butter fudge, but Sean didn't bring any!
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